Jaminan Mutu Kebahasaan atau biasanya disebut dengan LQA merupakan kegiatan untuk menilai atau mengevaluasi kualitas produk terjemahan yang dihasilkan, terlepas dari proses pengeditan dan pembacaan pruf dengan menggunakan format penilaian bahasa yang sangat sistematis. Biasana formatnya berbeda antar penyedia bahasa atau perusahaan penyedia layanan terjemahan. LQA ini dilakukan secara tertulis dengan aneka tujuan. Ada yang tujuannya untuk merekrut anggota penerjemah baru, ada juga yang tujuannya untuk menilai atau mengevaluasi hasil terjemahan dari penerjemah terkait sebelum produk itu diluncurkan ke khalayak. Setidaknya, ini berdasarkan pengalaman kami selama ini.
Siapakah yang membutuhkan layanan LQA?
- Pengguna akhir; secara umum bisa perusahaan atau perseorangan yang sangat teliti dengan kualitas
- Perusahaan atau agensi penerjemahan
Mungkin ada lembaga lain yang membutuhkan layanan sejenis, namun menurut kami sangat jarang ada.
Siapakah yang seharusnya melakukan LQA?
- Pakar bahasa senior dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di industri kebahasaan
- Pakar bahasa/penerjemah berertifikat, sehingga hasil penilaiannya benar-benar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
Pakar bahasa atau penerjemah pemula dilarang keras melakukan LQA ini karena kegiatan LQA ini sendiri sangatlah kompleks. Yang melakukan LQA harus menguasai dasar-dasar dari bahasa sumber dan target dengan berbagai polanya. Kasarnya, ia harus mampu membedakan jenis kata yang benar dan baku yang digunakan dalam konteks tertentu dan dapat memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap atas LQA yang dilakukannya. Dan satu alasan inilah yang mendasari kenapa pemula tidak diperkenankan melakukan LQA ini karena hasilnya sudah pasti akan menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya.
What aspects should be checked and assessed?
- Mistranslation: Incorrect understanding of the source text.
- Accuracy: Omissions, additions, incorrect cross-references (UI options, chapter titles, book titles, etc.).
- Terminology: Glossary adherence.
- Language: Grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation or style error; left-over after correcting only a part of the sentence.
- Guidelines: Adherence to job guidelines (styleguide, language guidelines, technical instructions, etc.)
- Country Standards: Adherence to job guidelines (styleguide, language guidelines, technical instructions, etc.)
- Consistency: Inconsistency in GUI-terminology, cross-project terminology, abbreviation, phrases, or conventions.
- Techical: Wrong layout, etc
You may more or less aspects than one described here. Again, this is a matter of style.
Severity levels
In determining the severuty levels, there are various versions to be the standard, but at least following levels should be there:
- Critical: Major error repeated several times or error preventing product introduction to the market, e.g. causing an application to crash, misrepresenting application's functionality; an error which may carry safety, health or legal consequences.
- Major: Error in a visible part of documentation or software, e.g. heading, table or contents, menu command, or error misrepresenting the source text, or minor error repeated several times.
- Minor: An error of a lesser severity than a major error.
Some language providers may also add preferential or petty level. This is also correct and none is wrong.
LQA Form
LQA form for use can be like one shown below. It will record all the errors logged by the assessor. You may see other forms as well.
Normal and best practice
Normally, it takes two hours to complete a thousand-words LQA project. The practice is actually not that simple. There are some activities beyond our normal perception that we may predict and accept. Some translation companies may randomly take several words to be LQA-ed to know if the translation provided by their linguists meets the requirements as expected. This is ranging from 1,500 words (to represent full 5,000 words) and more and this practice is at the companies' sole discreation.
To the best of our knowledge and experience, this LQA should not be done at the same time, meaning that no matter what, the LQA should be delivered back the next day after the project hand-off. Say, a translation company sent out a 1,500-words LQA project on Thursday, then the LQA report should be sent back on Friday. This will allow the linguist/LQA performer to find his/her best time assessing and evaluating the translation, thus no invalid report is generated. Translator and the LQA performer arrive at the universal conclusion; all errors logged are valid based on their both understanding.
Rate and turnaround
Rate that applies to this service will be varied, fully depending on several aspects. However, this LQA service may be charged based on the hours spent in performing the task. In this, the outsourcer/client and linguist shall make agreement in advance on how many words can be tackled in an hour and the rate can be then agreed upon per hour. This is also applicable to the per-word charge. You may set your own standard on how much you will charge your client for a 1,000-words LQA project.
As LQA on the translation generated is essential to generate best translation possible, the longer time, the better. However, this is again at your sole discrestion and accepting or rejecting is always an option.
Want to know how much we will charge you for this LQA service? Contact us at Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya. for more information. All information provided will be free of charge.